The irrefutable case for appointing Ledgard Jepson
Why Ledgard Jepson? So glad you asked. There are thousands – literally thousands of design and digital agencies in Britain that aren’t Ledgard Jepson. But forgetting about them for a moment, what about the agencies that are? At a push, you can just about count them all on the thumb of one hand. Heavily outnumbered though we may be, we’re more than capable of asserting why we’d be ideal for your business. And so is this page of ours. Don’t be fooled by its tasteful and modest appearance. We'll stop at nothing to convince you. Abandon doubt all ye who read on.
We're dry behind the ears but short in the tooth.
In other words, we have both experience and youth at our disposal. More than you can shake either a selfie stick or a walking stick at.
At the helm of HMS Ledgard are senior staff who use their knowledge to great effect in nurturing the many gifted young designers and digital natives within our ranks. Its the perfect combination of wisdom and youthful talent. Although it could make for a rather one-sided agency 5-a-side footie night, if one were ever to be arranged.

We're the agency you'd let babysit for you.
Some of our clients have been with us for almost as long as we've been in business. Which is nearly four decades now. Or, in digital terms, since the dawn of time.
Clients of ours who move on to new challenges often make sure they become our clients again at their new companies which is surely one of the greatest endorsements an agency can receive. And what companies they are, too.
Enjoying greater fame than we could ever dream of ourselves, they include British Land, English Heritage, A-plant, Mercedes Benz and World Health Organisation to name but a few.

We have no sense of perspective whatsoever.
If a job's huge, we're as confident of tackling it successfully as we would be if it were tiny. And if it's small, we treat it with the same diligence as reverence as if it were colossal.
Because we take on whatever task is laid before us in a thoroughly professional, creative, budget-blind manner. We have a compulsion to do things right, never treating the finer details - the unsexy, technical elements of a design job - as optional extras.
Our creative ideas are vitally important, but without the care and craftsmanship to go with them, they'd be severely diminished. And we're never going to allow that to happen. No, ma'am.

We believe that simply using the word "strategic" wouldn't make us strategic.
What makes us strategic is that we think, plan and act strategically. "Strategic" - to use the word for the last time, we promise - is not a meaningless buzzword to be stuck on job titles and processes like a rosette slapped on a marrow at a village fete.
We analyse the problems facing brands, and the market context in which they face them. As a result, we often challenge the brief we get from clients. And that's "challenge" in the most charming and well informed sense of the term, of course.
Little wonder that we're often asked to devise client briefs from scratch.

We could go on and on for 4 hrs 33mins about our marathon personal best.
Its been our privilege to have supported, and continue to support, a number of companies close to our hearts.
Running marathons and engaging in other hamstring-endangering activities for good causes; supporting Helen's Trust with a rebrand and publicity materials; creating campaigns for Barnsley Hospice; designing logos for our local church; and sponsoring local football teams.
We also have a passion for our local history and heritage, and our MD is a trustee of Barnsley Museums and Heritage Trust.
(coughs; rattles tin):

Our final address to you fine people.
Ledgard Jepson has never been an agency to chase fads. Otherwise, at some point, we would've rebranded ourselves as Led Jeppelin, Leddy J., L-Jepsy or L CoolJ. (OK, OK... we've been slightly tempted from time to time).
Always up to date, but never leaping desperately from one gimmick-of-the-week to another, our aim is to become better and better, not hipper and hipper. We think our work, our working methods and the esteem in which we're held by the delightful clients we work for, collectively show that we've been pretty successful in that respect.
Now we'd love the chance to achieve further success. This time, on your behalf.